"Behold, I am a disciple of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. I've been called of Him to declare His word among His people, that they might have everlasting life." 3 Nephi 5:13

Monday, October 5, 2015

Week 4:  Second week in Missouri

Mom's Favorite Quote of the Week:  There is a universal need in the world; the gospel.  Share it :)

This week has been great!  Sister Fisher and I have been focusing on trying to build our teaching pool because it is slowly diminishing.  So we have set a goal to tract for an hour every day so that we can find more souls who are searching.  On Wednesday we had our Missionary Coordination meeting whichis always exciting and motivating because we have such great ward missionaries!  Brother Brake is attending one of the Universities here in town and is doing a conference on campus where he teaches some of the doctrine of the gospel.  He did it last year where he taught some of the misconceptions and had a really big crowd so he is expecting even more this year.  He asked Sister Fisher and I to help him teach some of the doctrine which is great and should be fun!  Then he said that he wants me to teach most of it.  Oh my goodness!!  I got scared!  I told him that I was going to ask my Mom to pray for me and they all laughed like it was a big joke.  Little did they know how serious I was; Mom please pray for me! :D

On Friday we had a Mission Tour with Elder Grow from the Seventy.  It turned out to be exactly what I needed!  One of the things that was brought up was:  no matter how active someone is in the church, everyone is three weeks away from being inactive.  AH  how true that is!  I know for myself how easy it is to justify stayig home from church.  But I know how important church attendance is!  Personally, if I have missed church my whole week is off. Attending church sets the tone for the rest of the week.  We all have to continue to endure to the end, because it's not over unti we're all safely dead!  Near the end of the meeting, the missionaries were given a half and hour to ask Elder Grow anything that we wanted.  One of the questions was, "What is the key to staying active?"  His answer, TITHING.  People are not going to pay tithing if they don't have faith in where their money is going.  Put your faith where your money is and your money where your faith is.  I have seen that when you do so, the Lord will bless you by making sure everything works out like it's supposed to.  Especially when you sacrifce to pay tithing.

Once we got home from the mission tour, we had about an hour and a half, so we decided to go visit one of our former investigators, Diana and Greg.  It was great to be able to meet them but the lesson didn't go as well as we had hoped and we left pretty upset.  Earlier that week we had received an online referral, Allison, whom we contacted but they didn't even answer.  When we came out of the lesson with Diana ad Greg we had a call from Allison so we called her back.  She said that she was interested and was planning on going to church with three of her friends on Sunday.  Allison's phone call was exactly what we needed to feel like we could move on from Diana and Greg and to continue to find others.  Earlier that day, Elder Grow had talked about how it is okay to move on from investigators who are not progressing because there are people out there who will progress.  We just have to find them.  Missionaries are not the only oes who have that responsibility either.  As members of His church, we are supposed to share our testimonies and share our knowledge that we have o this good news.  With General Conference coming up, I challenge each of you to invite sone one to come unto Christ, by inviting them to listen to the words of the prophets.  There is a universal need in the world; the gospel.  Share it :)

I hope you all have a great week!
Love you all!

Sister White

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